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A yellow excavator digging along a train track

Conceptual Rail Design Consulting

Across North America, our experienced group of rail professionals can work with your company to offer rail design consulting services that fit your needs.

A close up of two Northern Plains Railroad employees pointing at a paper in a conference room


Our team provides rail consulting expertise to trade professionals, new entrants, and those with limited knowledge of the rail industry.

We take pride in providing skillful consultation services that put a high priority on confidentiality, working as a trustworthy owner’s agent for clients in rail shipping and industrial operation in the energy, agricultural, and general merchandise sectors.

We take pride in providing skillful consultation services that put a high priority on confidentiality.


Plan rail capacity expansion

Implement in-plant operational solutions

A scenic image of train tracks at sunset

Provide conceptual rail design for yard expansion or new projects

Two male Northern Plains Railroad employees going over a rail design on paper in a conference room.

Conceptual rail design services in Canada are managed under our alliance with Dominion Railway Services Ltd.

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